Running from activity to activity parents feel stress and overloaded often expressing their difficulties. Adults have learned their own personal methods for dealing with stress. Are children aware of how to deal with stress? Young children can easily feel similar emotions and not have the skills to cope with them. It is important that we acknowledge those feelings that stress brings and teach our children healthy methods to lessen the anxiety.

stress square breathing

Some effective methods of stress relief include reading, exercise, yoga, talking to a good listener, watching a movie, taking a walk outside, creative art, listening to or playing music. Taking a time out and focusing on breathing using a technique such as square breathing may increase relaxation.


Bedtime yogaThere is so much research on Yoga that proves beneficial for adult’s and children’s stress management. There are online resources, DVD’s and local classes for beginners to learn Yoga poses to promote relaxation. Our community directory on this website offers an array of choices in our local area for Yoga providers, many offering classes for your and your child together. Here is an article from Parenting magazine that highlights the benefit of just a few minutes of Yoga with your child in their bedtime routine.

Here are 2 printable resources for you to create a visual resource for your child to use. Click the picture to go to the link.

Animal yoga poses     ABC Yoga


Relaxation basket for kids

Here is a unique idea to create with your child, a relaxation kit.  Include some special sensory and relaxation tools that your child enjoys. The idea is the kit can be pulled out for specific times as needed. The kit can be modified and personalized based on your child and also changed to meet their needs later as well as to keep things interesting.

Relaxation flip book

This is such a creative idea for a visual flip-book of physical relaxation steps in a very child-friendly format. Click picture for link. The woman who created this used it for calming her child in preparation for a blood test. The flip-book is small and can be carried in your purse for any variety of situations when relaxation is desired for your child.

While teaching your child these techniques, you may be modeling them and inadvertently experience the benefits. Even though this book is aimed at children, it can be incorporated into adult practice while sitting at a desk or in the car. Everyone can benefit from relaxation techniques!


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