Does your child know how to entertain his or herself if it doesn’t involve an electronic device? If you answered no, you are not alone. As parents, we are growing more and more accepting of reliance on electronics including television, computers, and handheld devices. Most schools are tolerant and/or encouraging of electronic devices in the classroom. Most teachers are using some type of electronic technology to help facilitate learning.

What does all this mean? The electronics section at Toys R Us is overpowering the entire store? Are kids not satisfied with riding a real tricycle when they can control a simulated high speed chase on a motorcycle on an electronic device? Does it become comical when mentioning how fun it is to build and play “fort” outside? Is the use of electronic devices creating social communication issues and overall lack of physical activity?

family sports family reading

Some families are choosing to counteract this technology culture with focusing on outdoor gardening, cooking at home, family games, socializing with other families, going to the park etc. While this may seem old-fashioned to some, it appeals to many. It is important to remember the value and importance of playing in the dirt, being outdoors and talking to people.


Here is an article that gives a lot of support for helping to break the cycle of screen addiction.  It also brings to light the importance of allowing our children some unstructured time. This article reveals ideas and how to focus on making your time as a parent be special time.

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